Field notes is a collection of observations and thoughts made during the process of photographing nature.

March 8. 2022

Early Spring in the Willamette Valley is a landscape cloaked in Winter’s disguise. Crisp mornings are often very foggy with but only 10 feet or so of visibility while hiking in the woods. One early March morning I was photographing at a small Western Pond Turtle restoration site. Located between small tributaries this turtle pond is very close to the Willamette River. As such, the entire area is very rich with wildlife of all kinds - water fowl especially. As I was standing working on a composition I could hear a flock of Geese in the distance so I took out my recorder. The sound of the honking birds gradually grew louder and louder until the entire flock was passing directly overhead. I was completely blind in a cloud of fog and I couldn’t see a single bird as they flew past. It was a very exciting experience and the sound of Geese during flight will always be one of my favorites.